Kara and I (Nelson) wanted to thank you for partnering with us, for your encouragement, sacrificial giving and especially prayers that make our ministry possible. We highly appreciate it!
We always give honor and glory to our Almighty God who allows us to continue serving him, doing the ministry to which he has called us on the Island of Roatan.

Deputation time In New Brunswick

Yes we are in Canada this year, and we will be on deputation (home ministry) all the way to July 2nd in New Brunswick, and we are excited to visit you in your parishes and share our Honduran ministry experiences with you.

We have a full itinerary on Sundays, except for June 25th which is free, and most of the time we can visit you during the week.
As soon as you can, please contact the Rev. Gordon Thompson
(grthompson@rogers.com) to schedule a visit to your New Brunswick parish.

In Ontario, Rev. Kara visited some parishes in March. Thanks to all who coordinated with her to make her visit enjoyable and successful.

Kelly and I (Nelson) will travel to Canada on April 27th, and on the 30th I will visit Emmanuel Anglican Church, Richvale, north of Toronto. Then we will spend some time with Stephen, his uncle and aunt (Kara’s brother who just moved to Wasaga Beach). We haven’t seen Stephen since 2020 when he left Roatan to come to Canada to study at university.

We know it has been a long time since we last visited you as a family and personally shared with you about our ministry in Roatan. However, we continue doing the ministry to which God has called us in Roatan, and that has been possible thanks to your prayers and the financial support that you have given us personally and as churches.

Financial Support Appeal

On the financial side, we continue to be very positive and to pray and praise God with faith and thanksgiving. We also ask you to continue to pray about our finances, that for the next year and in coming years our support will stabilize and be sufficient to cover our needs.

At the moment our balance is very low; in fact, there is a negative balance of CAD 13,486.00
Please consider helping us stabilize our balance; we are trusting in God that this will be a temporary challenge.

To donate now, please click on the following link (or copy and paste it into your browser):


Or you can visit the Diocese of Fredericton’s website (www.anglican.nb.ca) then go to “Donate” for various ways to give online. Be sure to select “Honduras Mission Fund”.

Cheques should be made payable to “The Diocesan Synod of Fredericton” and sent to:

Anglican Diocesan Synod of Fredericton,

168 Church Street Room 20,

Fredericton, NB E3B 4C9

Phone: (506) 459-1801

All cheques should have “Honduras Mission” noted on the reference line.

We greatly appreciate your prayer and financial support to date and trust that you will continue to support us.

What is Happening in the Roatan Churches

A dream become true

Many families in Roatan have received the donation of a free house, through the work of the Dwelling Organization who build houses for the poor on the Island.
On more than one occasion, families in our church have been blessed with a totally free house. Recently one of our families in the Church received one such house. It was a dream come true for Gelin Torres (a single mother) and her family.

We hope that more families in our church will benefit from this organization and their applications will be approved. Congratulations to Gelin and her children who now enjoy a new home.

Couples Conference

With the purpose of strengthening marriage relationships in our churches on Roatan, we recently held a conference for couples at one of the hotels on the beach.

The event was attended by 19 couples with whom we enjoyed painting. It did not matter if they had ever painted a landscape; at that moment, communication was vital for each of them to do their best work, and produce their best painting.
After that, we had time for a photo session and then we went on to enjoy a buffet dinner at the hotel restaurant.
Finally, we had some time to share the challenges we had had during the painting experience and to talk about how we can do better in our relationships.
We continue to strengthen couples’ relationships and trust in God to give us wisdom to build healthy families in our church.

Please continue to pray for:

  1. For our family: Nelson, Kara and Kelly as we continue serving the Lord in Roatán, and Stephen who moved to Wasaga Beach Ontario from Winnipeg with his uncle and aunt on April 1st, 2023; and pray he can find a university to continue with his studies; and also, he is looking for a job – pray for any contact that will help him to find a job there. (204-558-8712, stephenmejia13@gmail.com)
  2. Pray for our 2023 deputation (home ministry) time in Ontario and New Brunswick.
  3. Continued and stable financial support for the next years as we continue to serve the Lord in Roatán, Honduras.
  4. Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, and Emmanuel in Coxen Hole, that we can continue growing, worshiping, and focusing on Jesus Christ.
  5. Please pray for the Rev. Robert Browning and for his ministry to English-speakers in Eastern Roatán.
  6. Evangelism and practical outreach in the local communities.
  7. For leadership for the Church in Roatán that embraces the challenges as we serve in the Kingdom of God.
  8. The Episcopal Church in Honduras and our Bishop Lloyd Allen, who continues leading our Diocese for the next five years.
  9. For Carmen, Arlin, Charon, Ingris and Alexy, as they continue at University here in Roatan.
  10. Pray for Nelson, in his new ministry as Dean of the churches in the Atlantic area of ​​the Honduras country and Roatan Bay Islands.

Thank you to all who have faithfully prayed and faithfully given to support this incredible work of ministering to the people in our congregations.

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40.

Your prayers and continued support enable us to continue touching people’s lives with Jesus’ love.

Empowering the Church

Building Biblically Faithful

Learning, Growing and Serving

Nelson and Kara Mejia